Pulsar Rays Event Guide (Spiritfarer)

Playing the Pulsar Rays Event in Spiritfarer

The Pulsar Rays are another one of the mid-game location-based events. This one will be introduced to you by Bruce & Mickey.

While playing this event, you’ll be able to collect Pulsar Ore – which is a metal resource used in making Pulsar Ingots at the Foundry.

This guide will go over everything you need to know about the event to help you complete it efficiently.

Unlocking the Minigame

Bruce & Mickey will introduce you to the pulsar rays event / Spiritfarer
Bruce & Mickey will introduce you to the pulsar rays event.

First, you will need Bruce & Mickey aboard your ship.

Bruce & Mickey are the first spirits you’ll meet upon docking at Southpoint Docks, at (X: 157, Y: 22).

Note: To reach Southpoint Docks, you will need the Rock Destroyer boat improvement.

Upon talking to them, the duo will insist you bully another spirit. So head the other direction and approach the first spirit you’ll see.

Rather than bullying the spirit, Stella will just talk to them. Then head back to Bruce & Mickey.

Despite just talking, Bruce & Mikey will insist you “bullied” the spirit, and will then join Stella’s ship.

Once aboard the ship, the duo will introduce you to their first request “Rhythm of the Night,” which unlocks the Pulsar Rays event.

The pulsar rays event icon on the world map / Spiritfarer
The pulsar rays event icon on the world map.

Since this is a location-based event, just head over to one of the locations marked with rays of light. Here are the coordinates for all three locations of the Pulsar Rays Event:

  • X: 156, Y: -15 (Oxbury Region)
  • X: 219, Y: -95 (Oxbury Region)
  • X: 239, Y: 87 (Crow’s End Region)

Upon arriving, simply talk to Bruce & Mickey to trigger the event (there will be no visual indication like other events.)

Minigame Details

Once the mini-game starts, a number of glowing lights will fly by in different directions, and you will need to hit them head-on.

Since the lights move quickly and often change directions, this can be a bit tricky.

Abilities like Bounce and Double Jump will significantly help your platforming in this event.

Each light you hit gets you a Pulsar Ore.

After Bruce & Mickey leave for the Everdoor, you can start the event by sailing to one of the locations and interacting with the door of the duo’s mansion.

Pulsar rays often change directions, making them trickier to catch / Spiritfarer
Pulsar rays often change directions, making them trickier to catch.

Pulsar Ore Usage

Once collected, you can turn Pulsar Ore into Pulsar Ingots by smelting them inside the Foundry. Pulsar Ingots are then used in:

Building/Improvement Materials
Astrid’s Bungalow Improvement (TV Set)
  • 2 Pulsar Ingots
  • 3 Aluminum Ingots
  • 8 Ash Planks
  • 1 Clear Glass Sheet
  • 550 Glims
Windmill Improvement
  • 5 Pulsar Ingots
  • 6 Bright Jellies
  • 7 Pine Planks
  • 840 Glims
  • 7 Pulsar Ingots
  • 15 Ash Planks
  • 5 Zinc Ingots
Crusher Improvement
  • 5 Pulsar Ingots
  • 6 Comet Powders
  • 6 Carbon Powders
  • 6 Silica Powders
  • 585 Glims
  • 5 Pulsar Ingots
  • 12 Silica Powders
  • 5 Comet Powders
  • 12 Ash Planks
Celestial Sheet
  • 1 Pulsar Ingot
  • 1 Comet Powder

Note: Pulsar Ore can’t be planted in any of the Turtle Sisters like other ores. Instead, Pulsar Ores can only be collected from the Pulsar Rays event.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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