Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park Unlock Guide (Cities: Skylines)

The Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park in Cities: Skylines
Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park
DLC Natural Disasters
Building Type Unique Building
Level/Category 6
Build Cost ₡500,000
Upkeep Cost ₡5,120/week
Milestone Required Small City
Entertainment Value 120
Noise Pollution 10
Visitor Capacity 300

The Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park is a level 6 unique building that you can unlock by winning all five scenarios that come with the Natural Disasters DLC.

You’ll also need to reach the Small City milestone first, which happens around 2,600 – 11,000 population, depending on the map.

What are Scenarios?

Scenarios are playable maps that have winning and losing conditions. You’ll find them under the “Scenarios” tab of the New Game screen.

The five Natural Disaster scenarios are:

  • Alpine Villages
  • By the Dam
  • Floodland
  • Island Hopping
  • Tornado Country

And the Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park is easily one of the most challenging unique buildings to unlock in the game, due to the difficulty of some of these scenarios and the amount of play time required.

Note: You do not need to beat these scenarios in any specific order.

Once you do manage to beat all 5 Natural Disaster scenarios, you’ll be able to build the Sparkly Unicorn Rainbow Park from the level 6 tab of the Unique Buildings menu for ₡500,000.

Alpine Villages

The start of the Alpine Villages scenario, which features difficult terrain / Cities: Skylines
The start of the Alpine Villages scenario, which features difficult terrain.


The winning condition for Alpine Villages is deceptively simple. However, the main challenge of this scenario comes from the map.

Alpine Villages places you on a very hilly map with very little flat land for building, making it difficult and expensive to grow your city, especially early on.

Don’t forget that you only have 350 weeks to unlock your mass transit options and grow your population enough to get enough people using public transport.

A good rule of thumb for attempting this scenario is to try to reach the Small City milestone as quickly as possible in order to unlock the metro, as well as high-density zoning.

Having the Mass Transit DLC makes this scenario much easier as you have options like the monorail and cable cars.

Win condition:

  • 250,000 people transported using public transport

Loss conditions:

  • Play 350 game weeks
  • Population under 1
  • Run out of money (have less than 0₡)
Disaster Condition Severity
Meteor 4 weeks after purchasing the second tile 8.6
Meteor Week 30 10.0
Forest Fire Week 100 5.5
Meteor 2 weeks after 4,000 industrial squares are built 6.0

By the Dam

Severe flooding caused by the overflowing river in the By The Dam scenario / Cities: Skylines
Severe flooding caused by the overflowing river in the By The Dam scenario.


In By The Dam, you must grow your population to 65,000 within 300 weeks.

The nearby river causes large-scale flooding in your town when the dam overflows.

Several meteor strikes, including a level 10 one, make this even more complicated, as they can land in the river and cause drastic surges in the water level.

Win condition:

  • Population over 65,000

Loss conditions:

  • Play 300 game weeks
  • Population under 1
Disaster Condition Severity
Meteor 8 weeks after purchasing the second tile 3.0
Meteor 2 weeks after reaching 16,000 population 10.0
Meteor 3 weeks after purchasing the third tile 7.0
Meteor 1 week after purchasing the fourth tile 10.0
Meteor 1 week after reaching 55,000 population 4.0


The nearby river flows into your starting tile early on in the Floodland scenario / Cities: Skylines
The nearby river flows into your starting tile early on in the Floodland scenario.


You must survive a constant flood for 120 game weeks.

You’ll start out on an empty map (no buildings, 0 population). There is no water in your starting tile, but the water from a nearby river will very quickly encroach.

You will lose the game if you have 0 population after the 15-week mark.

Granted, there are no other disasters in this scenario.

However, the constant flooding will make expansion complicated.

You also cannot own more than four city area tiles, so you’re limited in terms of how far away you can build from the water source.

Win condition:

  • Play 120 game weeks

Loss conditions:

  • Own at least 5 city area tiles
  • Run out of money (have less than ₡0)
  • Population under 1 after playing 15 in-game weeks

Island Hopping

The Island Hopping scenario gives you very little buildable land, especially in your first tile / Cities: Skylines
The Island Hopping scenario gives you very little buildable land, especially in your first tile.


This is a difficult scenario in which you must reach 250,000 population on an archipelago map that’s mostly water, while being beset with disasters.

Managing your resources will be critical in the early game.

The 60,000 you get at the start can run out quickly, as it’s always more expensive to build roads over water.

Earthquakes and tsunamis, including a level 10 tsunami, will cause widespread destruction and loss of life if you are not prepared.

The disasters in this scenario will occur at specified weeks in-game and are not tied to your progress.

Fortunately there is no time limit for reaching the win conditions, allowing you lots of time to strategize.

Win conditions:

  • Have over 250,000 population
  • Average health over 20%

Loss conditions:

  • Run out of money (have less than 0₡)
  • Population under 1 after playing 15 game weeks
Condition Disaster Severity
Earthquake Week 10 3.0
Tsunami Week 40 5.0
Tsunami Week 70 7.0
Earthquake Week 100 5.0
Tsunami Week 120 10.0
Tsunami Week 170 5.0
Tsunami Week 230 2.0
Earthquake Week 300 5.0

Tornado Country

By far the easiest of the five Natural Disasters scenarios, Tornado Country gives you tons of flat terrain / Cities: Skylines
By far the easiest of the five Natural Disasters scenarios, Tornado Country gives you tons of flat terrain, an easily accessible water source, and plenty of starting cash.


Tornado Country is the easiest of the five Natural Disasters scenarios.

While the 250,000 population can take a long time to achieve, you’re placed on a flat map with plenty of buildable land.

There is also no time limit for winning.

Although you will be facing disasters in this scenario, most of them should not be too devastating.

The large amount of starting money (₡500,000) also makes it easy to recover from any early disasters.

There will be a level 10 tornado upon reaching 125,000 population, but by this point you will likely have had enough time and resources to have built shelters and other emergency facilities.

Win conditions:

  • Have over 260,000 population
  • 20,000 full lifespans lived
  • Have over ₡1,000,000

Loss conditions:

  • Have less than ₡-30,000
Disaster Condition Severity
Sinkhole 5 weeks after purchasing the second tile 3.0
Tornado Week 10 5.0
Tornado Week 30 9.0
Sinkhole 2 weeks after purchasing the third tile 8.0
Tornado Population over 75,000 7.0
Tornado Population over 125,000 10.0

Liz Villegas

174 articles

Liz is a writer and photographer with a love for building and strategy games. Her spare time is often split between lifting, reading, drawing, annoying her dog Mr. Porky Butt, and squinting at stat tables on the wiki pages of whatever game she's currently playing.

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