Besaid Cloister of Trials Guide + Destruction Sphere (FFX)

Inside Besaid Temple in FFX HD

This guide will walk you through the entire Besaid cloister puzzle step-by-step, including where you’ll find the Destruction Sphere & how to get the treasure with it.

Step-By-Step Walkthrough

Step 1: Approach the glyph you see on the wall and interact with it.

The First Glyph Inside Besaid Temple / FFX
The First Glyph Inside Besaid Temple

Step 2: Touch the glyph that appears on the wall to the right to reveal some stairs.

Second Glyph Being Revealed / FFX
Second Glyph Being Revealed

Step 3: Go down the stairs and you’ll find a Glyph Sphere on the landing.

Glyph Sphere on the Landing / FFX
Glyph Sphere on the Landing

Step 4: Take the Glyph Sphere and continue going down the stairs.

Step 5: Place the Glyph Sphere on the locked door at the bottom of the stairs.

Locked Door Near the Stairs / FFX
Locked Door Near the Stairs

Step 6: Take the Glyph Sphere back after unlocking the door.

Retrieving Glyph Sphere from Locked Door / FFX
Retrieving Glyph Sphere from Locked Door

Step 7: Move into the next hallway and place the Glyph Sphere on a wall to your left.

Placing the Glyph Sphere in the Hallway / FFX
Placing the Glyph Sphere in the Hallway

Step 8: You’ll find a Destruction Sphere here, but you can leave it alone for now.

Destruction Sphere in Besaid Temple / FFX
Destruction Sphere in Besaid Temple

Step 9: Continue going through the hallway and you’ll find another set of glyphs on a wall to your right.

Glyphs in the Hallway / FFX
Glyphs in the Hallway

Step 10: Touch the glyphs to reveal a room with a Besaid Sphere.

The Besaid Sphere / FFX
The Besaid Sphere

Step 11: Take the Besaid Sphere and place it on the pedestal right across the hall.

Placing the Besaid Sphere on Pedestal / FFX
Placing the Besaid Sphere on Pedestal

Step 12: Another room will reveal itself, but do not proceed just yet.

Room Revealed by Besaid Sphere / FFX
Room Revealed by Besaid Sphere

Step 13: Return to the Destruction Sphere and take it.

Step 14: Place the Destruction Sphere on the groove where you took the Besaid Sphere (across from the pedestal).

This will reveal the hidden treasure at the end of the hallway – this chest will contain the Rod of Wisdom for Yuna.

Placing the Destruction Sphere / FFX
Placing the Destruction Sphere

Step 15: After obtaining the treasure, return to the pedestal containing the Besaid Sphere and push it forward to complete the trial.

Pushing the Pedestal / FFX
Pushing the Pedestal to finish the trial

Additional Notes + Tips

Placing a Besaid Sphere / FFX
Placing a Besaid Sphere into a Pedestal

Being the first Cloister of Trials you encounter, Besaid Temple is pretty simple and straightforward.

In fact, it serves as a tutorial on how to use the different spheres found in the trials.

Your main objective in Besaid Temple is to find a way deeper into the temple to find the summoner that is supposedly stuck inside.

Each Cloister of Trials has a unique sphere that is named after the temple it’s in. These spheres have different effects, and the Besaid Sphere will simply open up the way to the Chamber of the Fayth.

Besaid Temple's Hidden Treasure / FFX
Besaid Temple’s Hidden Treasure

The steps involving the Destruction Sphere can be skipped, but you’ll miss out on the temple’s hidden treasure. You’ll also need to obtain this treasure to unlock an optional Aeon later in the game, so it’s worth getting.

Note: If you do skip or miss the portion of the trial with the Rod of Wisdom from the Destruction Sphere, you can return to Besaid Temple later on at any time to complete it.

Marco Cadayona

19 articles

Shower singer by day, bard main by night. Gamer since 1992.

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