TM90 Substitute can be found on the ground within Twist Mountain. You can access Twist Mountain from two areas, but it’s easiest to reach the TM by starting from the mountain’s exit in Icirrus City.
Also note that TM90 only appears in the Winter months, which correlate directly to real time months IRL.
Winter weather appears in Black & White during the months of April, August, and December.
TM90 Substitute Location (Step-by-Step)
Step 1: Starting from the Icirrus City Pokémon Center, head south down the staircase.

Step 2: From the bottom of the stairs, continue south. The entrance to Twist Mountain is directly ahead.

Step 3: Once inside the mountain, begin walking northwest.

Step 4: Ahead and to the west is a doorway. Enter through the door.

Step 5: That door leads to a smaller cavern. Head up the stairs directly ahead.

Step 6: Continue walking south towards the illuminated doorway. This leads to the outside of the mountain.

Step 7: After exiting to the outside of the mountain, head southwest across the snow.

Step 8: Keep west up the small slope. Then head north after passing the doorway.

Step 9: Veer north towards the raised wooden walkway ahead, and follow it along until you can enter the next doorway.

Step 10: This doorway leads back inside the mountain.
So once you’re back inside, head northwest.

Step 11: Continue west down the set of stairs, then enter the door at the bottom of the staircase.

Step 12: Now in a different cavern inside of the mountain, begin walking east.

Step 13: Ignore the set of stairs ahead, and instead veer southeast and continue walking through the cavern down that path.

Step 14: Keep east over the small set of stairs, then follow that path around going west.

Step 15: The path ahead leads to another small set of stairs near an NPC with blue hair. Climb down the stairs going west and continue west.

Step 16: TM90 Substitute will be found in a Poké Ball on the ground at the end of this path – just keep following it west and you’ll find the TM at the top of a staircase.

Substitute Details + Uses

Substitute Move Details | |
Type | Normal |
Category | Status |
Power | – |
Accuracy | – |
PP | 10 |
Here are some key takeaways regarding TM90 Substitute:
- The user creates the substitute using its own HP. The substitute takes 25% of the user’s HP for itself.
- Substitute cannot be used if losing the required HP causes the user to faint. Pokémon Shedninja cannot use Substitute, as it only has 1 HP.
- The substitute will take most damage inflicted against its user. The user will take damage from inflictions such as recoil or existing status conditions.
- A Pokémon’s Substitute cannot be affected by new status conditions. It also cannot flinch or be trapped.
- Several Status moves cannot affect a substitute. This includes Copycat, Lock-On, Mind Reader, Embargo, and Yawn.
Substitute is widely-used in competitive battling, as it can create turn advantages for the user.
Faster Pokémon really thrive with Substitute, since they can move first and avoid any predictable attacks. It can also allow you to safely learn more about your opponent’s move set.
The move is also frequently used against stalling opponents, or Pokémon who rely upon inflicting status conditions to slowly eat away at HP. By using Substitute, you’re able to avoid moves such as Toxic or Thunder Wave for at least one turn.
Substitute also works with Baton Pass as well.
Baton Pass allows you to give your substitute to another Pokémon in your party. This can help with predicting your opponent’s strategy depending on who they switch to, or can assist with setting up type disadvantages.
Pokémon BW
- Where To Get TM90 Substitute in Pokémon Black & White