Sabrina’s Team – Saffron City Gym (Pokémon FRLG)

Challenging Sabrina in a gym battle
Gym Leader Sabrina
Pokémon Kadabra Lv. 38 Mr. Mime Lv. 37 Venomoth Lv. 38 Alakazam Lv. 43
Type Psychic Psychic Bug / Poison Psychic
Ability Synchronize Soundproof Shield Dust Synchronize
Held Item None None None None
  • Bug (2x)
  • Ghost (2x)
  • Dark (2x)
  • Bug (2x)
  • Ghost (2x)
  • Dark (2x)
  • Fire (2x)
  • Flying (2x)
  • Psychic (2x)
  • Rock (2x)
  • Bug (2x)
  • Ghost (2x)
  • Dark (2x)
  • Psybeam
  • Reflect
  • Future Sight
  • Calm Mind
  • Barrier
  • Psybeam
  • Baton Pass
  • Calm Mind
  • Psybeam
  • Gust
  • Leech Life
  • Supersonic
  • Psychic
  • Recover
  • Future Sight
  • Calm Mind

Gym Puzzle Solution

Sabrina’s puzzle involves taking teleport pads in a really specific order. Note that you can actually skip every battle in this Gym except for Sabrina if you’d like!

As soon as you enter the Saffron City Gym, take the teleport pad in the top right corner.

Take the only pad in the entrance / Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Take the only pad in the entrance

Take the pad in the top right corner again.

Take the circled teleport pad to teleport to the room right above / Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Take the circled teleport pad to teleport to the room right above

Take the pad in the top left corner. You can walk along the bottom wall if you’d like to avoid facing the trainer in this room.

Take the upper left pad to warp to the room in the northeast / Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Take the upper left pad to warp to the room in the northeast

Take the bottom left corner to teleport to the room right next to Sabrina’s.

Take the bottom left square to teleport to the room in the northwest corner / Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Take the bottom left square to teleport to the room in the northwest corner

Finally, take the teleport pad in the bottom left corner to teleport to Sabrina’s room.

Take the lower left corner pad again to teleport to Sabrina / Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Take the lower left corner pad again to teleport to Sabrina

Once you’re in Sabrina’s room, simply walk up and challenge her for the Marsh Badge.

Talk to Sabrina to begin the Gym battle / Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen
Talk to Sabrina to begin the Gym battle

Tips for Beating Sabrina

  • Level up your party to around Level 41: The Pokémon in Sabrina’s party all fall below Level 40 with the exception of Alakazam. If you make sure that your key Pokémon are Level 40 or 41, you should be perfectly fine taking down Sabrina. If you don’t have Pokémon that do really well against her Psychic Type Pokémon, though, then you should train a little longer and try to gain a level advantage on her party.
  • Go for the KO immediately: Moves like Calm Mind and Future Sight will be very bad for your party in a prolonged fight, so it is preferable to go for big moves right off the bat and try to KO Sabrina’s Pokémon before they can set up their damage. Venomoth also has Supersonic, which will confuse your Pokémon and make it much harder to win the battle. It’s better to try to skip the headache and immediately KO as many of Sabrina’s Pokémon as possible.
  • Pick up Shadow Ball: The Celadon City Game Corner has Shadow Ball available as a prize. You can purchase as many Shadow Ball TMs as you’d like, and it will do major damage to Sabrina’s Psychic Type Pokémon, so I recommend putting it on as many Pokémon as possible before challenging her.
  • Start with Special Defense: If you have a tanky Pokémon with a high Special Defense stat, I recommend sending it in first. All of Sabrina’s Pokémon rely on Special moves, so if you’re able to tank through them the fight will be much easier.

Rewards for Defeating Sabrina

After defeating Sabrina, you’ll be rewarded with the following:


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A jack of all trades when it comes to gaming. I can sit down for hours in a casual playthrough of Pokémon, or I can spend months trying to hit Diamond in League of Legends. I love and appreciate everything about games, and love sharing that passion with my readers.

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