Quick Guide
- Get the Tea from the elderly lady in the Celadon Mansion
- Defeat Erika in the Celadon City Gym to get the Rainbow Badge
- Defeat the Team Rocket Grunt in the Rocket Game Corner, press A on the poster, then walk down the stairs to the Rocket Hideout
- Make your way through the Rocket Hideout and defeat Giovanni to get the Silph Scope
Exploring Celadon
Celadon is one of the most interesting cities in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
The first thing you’ll probably notice is all of the Team Rocket members roaming around. These guys will come into play later.
Before we progress the story and take on the local Gym (and local bad guys), let’s take a look at the “just for fun” stuff. There’s plenty of fun to be had and goodies to grab in Celadon City.
Goodie #1: Eevee
The only place you can find Eevee in FireRed and LeafGreen is in Celadon City. You don’t find Eevee in the wild, though – you find it on the Celadon Mansion roof.
Head to the Pokémon Center, drop off one Pokémon in your PC (to make room for Eevee), then walk through the tiny path to the right of the Pokémon Center. This will lead to the back entrance of Celadon Mansion.

Afterwards, just take the stairs to the top and enter the tiny compartment on the roof. There will be a Poké Ball sitting on the counter that contains an Eevee.
Just grab the Poké Ball and be on your way!
Goodie #2: The Celadon Department Store
Now that you have Eevee, it’s time to buy an evolution stone.
The Celadon Department Store has plenty of goodies to buy, including evolution stones, TMs, Revives, Super Potions, Stat Boosters, etc.

I recommend taking a look at all of the shops in the Department Store but there are a couple of items you should really consider picking up:
- Some Revives and Great Balls from the 2nd Floor
- A Fire, Thunder, or Water Stone on the 4th Floor for evolving your Eevee
- Fresh Water from the Vending Machine on the roof
The Fresh Water from the Department Store is actually one of the best bangs for your buck when it comes to healing items. It also has a lot less calories than regular Potions, so it’s a win / win.
Goodie #3: The Game Corner & Coin Case
Celadon City has one more important building in town (other than the Gym). The Game Corner is the orange building in the middle of town, and it’s a great place to get some rare goodies.

The larger building on the left is full of Slot Machines that you can play to earn coins. You can exchange these coins for prizes in the building on the right. The prizes consist of everything from TMs to items to actual Pokémon.
However, you can’t play Slots or win prizes without a Coin Case.
The Coin Case can be found in the blue/green building directly to the south east of the Game Corner.

Just head inside and talk to the balding man in the top-left corner. He’ll give you a Coin Case, which you can then use to go play slots in the Game Corner.
Alternatively, you can just purchase Coins at the Game Corner counter to buy your way into those rare prizes!
Getting The Tea
Now that we’ve covered all the fun stuff, it’s time to get down to business.
Remember how the thirsty guards would never let us cross into Saffron City? Well now we can finally quench their thirsts.
Head to the Celadon Mansion on the north side of town, just above the Rocket Game Corner.

Enter through the front door and talk to the elderly lady in the room on the left.
She’ll give you Tea, which we can give to the guards to finally let us cross into Saffron City.

But that’ll come later — before we head into Saffron, we have some more business to take care of in Celadon City.
The Celadon City Gym
All of us Charmander Choosers can finally rejoice, because the Celadon City Gym is full of Grass Type Pokémon. They will also be weak against Flying, Ice, and Bug Type moves.
If you didn’t choose Charmander, then you can pick up:
- A Growlithe (FireRed) or Vulpix (LeafGreen) on Route 7, just east of Celadon to help you out
- Or you could also evolve your Eevee into a Flareon with the help of a Fire Stone from the Department Store
Once you’re thoroughly prepared to take on Erika and her Grass-types, head to the south part of Celadon City and chop down the conspicuous Tree.

Afterwards you can walk through the treeline, follow the path, and enter the Gym.
The Gym is straight forward, you just have to beat a few trainers and then speak to Erika.

Erika only has three Pokémon, but they’re all fairly high level. However, they’re also all Grass Types so there aren’t many surprises.
Erika’s Team | ||
Pokémon | Level | |
Victreebel | 29 | |
Tangela | 24 | |
Vileplume | 29 |
After you defeat Erika, she’ll give you the Rainbow Badge, which will let you use HM04 Strength outside of battle.
She’ll also give you TM19 Giga Drain, which is a powerful Grass Type move.
And now that we’ve defeated the Gym, we can head back to the Rocket Game Corner to complete the Rocket Game Corner Hideout.
Team Rocket Hideout Walkthrough (Step-by-Step)
Head inside the Game Corner and walk to the back wall.
There should be a Team Rocket member standing (suspiciously) in front of an odd looking poster. Talk to him and defeat him in battle.

After you defeat him, he’ll disappear and you can press A on the poster.

After you press A on the poster, a staircase will appear just to your right. Go ahead and walk down those stairs to reach the Rocket Hideout.

The Hideout is fairly tricky with a few small puzzles you have to walk through.
So here’s a step-by-step guide to get you through the Rocket Hideout and reach Giovanni:
Step 1: Take the stairs immediately to your right after entering the Hideout.

Step 2: Walk around the divider on the left of the screen and then take the stairs going down to B3F.

Step 3: Walk slight left and then walk south down the corridor to reach the arrow maze.

Step 4: Complete the arrow maze by walking over the arrow pads in the following order:

Step 5: After you land on the final yellow pad (across from a Team Rocket Grunt), head south outside of the arrow maze.

Step 6: Head east, hug the right of the wall, and then walk north until you see a staircase going down.

Step 7: Take the staircase going down to BF4.

Step 8: Walk north when you reach B4F until you see a Rocket Grunt camping in the northwest corner.

Step 9: Battle and defeat the Team Rocket Grunt.

Step 10: After you defeat the Grunt, he’ll drop a Poké Ball containing the Lift Key. Pick up the Lift Key since you’ll need it to reach Giovanni.

Step 11: Take the previous two staircases back up until you reach B2F again (both staircases pictured below).

Step 12: Follow the arrow maze on B2F in this order:

Step 13: Walk east as far as possible until you see the Red-color door going to the Lift/Elevator in the southeast corner.

Step 14: Walk inside of the elevator and head to B4F.

Step 15: Walk out of the elevator, go around the corner, and then head north until you see two Rocket Grunts.

Step 16: Walk up and talk to both Rocket Grunts to battle and defeat them. Afterwards the red gate will open.

Step 17: After you defeat the two Rocket Grunts, the red gate will lift and you can walk through the doorway. This will bring you face to face with the big man himself, Giovanni.

Giovanni is the leader of Team Rocket and an all-around bad person, which he’ll explain to you at length.
Giovanni Battle & the Silph Scope

Giovanni’s Pokémon really aren’t that tough, especially if you’ve already defeated Erika. He has mostly Rock and Ground Type Pokémon and their levels aren’t anything crazy.
Giovanni’s Team | ||
Pokémon | Level | |
Onix | 25 | |
Rhyhorn | 24 | |
Kangaskhan | 29 |
After you defeat Giovanni, he’ll drop the Silph Scope on the floor.
This Silph Scope will let us see the Ghost Pokémon in Pokémon Tower, which means it’s time to head back to Lavender Town.
Pokémon FRLG
- Celadon City + Rocket Game Corner: Pokémon FRLG Walkthrough Part 8