Where To Get the Exp. Share in Pokémon Platinum

Rowans Assistant in the gate to Route 206 (Pokémon Platinum)
Exp. Share Locations
# Method Repeatable?
1 Route 206—Obtained from Rowan’s assistant in a gate after you have seen at least 35 Pokémon No
2 Jubilife City—Obtained as a prize from the Pokémon Lottery Corner if you have a Pokémon whose ID matches the last three digits of the daily Ticket number Yes

You’ll get an Exp. Share from Professor Rowan’s assistant after you’ve seen at least 35 Pokémon (according to the Pokédex). You’ll find him inside the gate at the southern end of Eterna City, and you can get this item as soon as you reach the city.

Alternatively you can also get more Exp. Shares from the Pokémon Lottery Corner, although this is a much more difficult method and largely based on RNG.

Getting Exp. Shares

Method 1: Route 206 (Once-only)

You’ll get one Exp. Share by speaking to Professor Rowan’s assistant (Lucas/Dawn’s father) after you’ve seen at least 35 Pokémon.

You’ll find this assistant in the gate between Eterna City and Route 206’s Cycling Road – just go south from Eterna City and you’ll find the gate.

Note: You don’t need to have caught this many Pokémon, just observed them inside or outside of battle.

You can check how many Pokémon you’ve seen by opening your Pokédex and looking in the bottom-left corner.

Checking the Pokédex’s “Seen” number / Pokémon Platinum
Checking the Pokédex’s “Seen” number.

If the number is above 35, head to Eterna City and take the main road all the way to the southern entrance gate.

Heading south from the Eterna City Pokémon Center / Pokémon Platinum
Heading south from the Eterna City Pokémon Center.
Entering the gate to Cycling Road / Pokémon Platinum
Entering the gate to Cycling Road.

Inside the gate, speak to the Scientist NPC standing near the entrance.

This is Professor Rowan’s assistant (and either Lucas’ or Dawn’s father, depending which character you’re playing).

Meeting Rowan’s assistant inside the gate to Route 206 / Pokémon Platinum
Meeting Rowan’s assistant inside the gate to Route 206.

He explains that he was sent to meet you and reward you if you’ve seen at least 35 Pokémon on your journey so far. He will then examine your Pokédex to check.

Confirming that you’ve seen at least 35 Pokémon / Pokémon Platinum
Confirming that you’ve seen at least 35 Pokémon.

If you’ve met the requirement, he will reward you with the Exp. Share.

Receiving an Exp. Share from Professor Rowan’s assistant / Pokémon Platinum
Receiving an Exp. Share from Professor Rowan’s assistant.

Method 2: The Pokémon Lottery Corner (Repeatable)

Once per day, you can play the Pokémon Lottery at the Jubilife TV station to win a variety of prizes, including the Exp. Share.

To play the lottery, head to Jubilife City and move up the street next to the PokéCenter.

Heading north from the Jubilife Pokémon Center / Pokémon Platinum
Heading north from the Jubilife Pokémon Center.

Keep going north until you pass the Poké Mart, then take a left turn at the intersection.

Turning left just north of the Poké Mart / Pokémon Platinum
Turning left just north of the Poké Mart.

Travel left down this street until you reach the Jubilife TV station. It’s the building with the giant television screen mounted to the front.

Turning northward to enter the Jubilife TV station / Pokémon Platinum
Turning northward to enter the Jubilife TV station.

Go inside and speak to the receptionist at the front desk.

Approaching the clerk at the front counter / Pokémon Platinum
Approaching the clerk at the front counter.

Select “Yes” to participate in the lotto drawing, and the receptionist will tell you your 6-digit lottery ticket number.

Receiving the 6-digit Ticket number / Pokémon Platinum
Receiving the 6-digit Ticket number.

This number is in reference to your Pokémon’s OT ID, which identifies the Pokémon’s original trainer.

An example of a Pokémon OT ID / Pokémon Platinum
An example of a Pokémon OT ID.

If any of your Pokémon have an OT ID similar to your Ticket number, you’ll win prizes based on the number of digits that match, starting with the rightmost digit.

For instance:

If the ticket number is “123456,” a Pokémon with the ID number “000056” would count as matching two digits, whereas “123450” would count as matching none.

If the last three digits of your lottery ticket number match the last three digits of a Pokémon’s ID, you will win an Exp. Share.

Winning the second prize for matching the three last digits / Pokémon Platinum
Winning the second prize for matching the three last digits.
Receiving an Exp. Share as the second Lottery prize / Pokémon Platinum
Receiving an Exp. Share as the second Lottery prize.

You can increase your odds of winning the Pokémon Lottery by obtaining Pokémon with different OT ID numbers, which is done by trading Pokémon with other trainers.

Note: It’s possible to amass several Exp. Shares this way. However, due to the ticket number changing just once per day and the sheer number of possible digit combinations, it’s not a reliable method.

How Does the Exp. Share Work?

The in-game description of the Exp. Share / Pokémon Platinum
The in-game description of the Exp. Share.

The Exp. Share is a held item that awards the holder a share of each battle’s experience points, even if that Pokémon didn’t participate in the battle.

Pokémon that are too weak to fend for themselves will benefit from Exp. Share the most.

Because without the Exp. Share, the next best way to level up a fragile Pokémon is to send it out at the start of battles and switch out in the first turn, leaving the next Pokémon open to attack.

But how does Exp. Share work in Pokémon Platinum?

The Exp. Share divides the total experience points earned from a battle into two halves. 50% of the points get divided among all non-fainted Pokémon that participated in the battle, while the other 50% of the points get split between all non-fainted Pokémon that are holding an Exp. Share.

Chris Haygood

270 articles

Chris is an American freelance writer and lifelong gamer. RPGs have been his genre of choice ever since he got Pokémon Blue in 1867, but if he finds a good rhythm game, he will prioritize playing it over both eating and breathing.

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