The LCD TV in the farmhouse (SoS:FoMT)
House Upgrade Required None
Cost 5,000 G
Uses Browsing channels

In Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town, you can outfit your home with the latest furniture and gadgets. The LCD TV is one of the fanciest ways to instantly upgrade your farmhouse with a bigger screen.

To get the LCD TV, visit Gotts in his workshop and browse through the furniture menu until you find it.

It will cost 5,000 G but does not require any home upgrades or special items to unlock.

The farmer buys the LCD TV in Gotts’ workshop. / Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
The farmer buys the LCD TV in Gotts’ workshop.

After this, you can head back home and enjoy your shiny new TV!

There won’t be any new channels after the upgrade, and each program will follow its usual schedule.

Note: Unlike the farmhouse TV, the television set in the Town Villa cannot be replaced.

Kal S.

344 articles

Kal S. is a part-time med student and full-time nerd. Connect with them over all things fantasy, science fiction, and art!

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