Bread Recipe Guide – Spiritfarer

Making Bread in the kitchen (Spiritfarer)
Dish type Plain Dish
Ingredients 1 Wheat Flour or Corn Flour
Where to Make Kitchen
Selling Price 120 Glims

Bread is a plain dish that you can make with either wheat flour or corn flour.

What You Need

Since it’s a simple dish, all you need to make bread is:

  • The Kitchen
  • Wheat Flour or Corn Flour

Since the kitchen gets introduced early in the game, you should have no problem building it just by playing through the game.

How To Get Flour

Playing Plantasia Fantastica to speed up the crop-growing process. / Spiritfarer
Playing Plantasia Fantastica to speed up the crop-growing process.

You have two choices for grains when it comes to making flour for bread: Corn or Wheat.

You can start by purchasing the seeds that you want to use (either are fine):

  • Corn Seeds (50 Glims, Hummingberg Shop)
  • Wheat Seeds (100 Glims, Oxbury Shop)

Once you have your seeds, head back to your ship and plant them in your Field, and keep watering them until they can be harvested.

After harvesting your crops, go to your Windmill and grind them into flour. Here’s how:

  1. Interact with the compartment at the mid-level and input either corn or wheat.
  2. Go to the top floor and interact with the square column. Then, move the window (either up or down) until the little wheel starts spinning.
  3. Adjust the window accordingly to make sure the wheel doesn’t stop spinning.
  4. When done, head to the bottom floor to collect your flour.

Our full Windmill guide will provide a more in-depth walkthrough of this minigame, along with all other info about building the Windmill and how it works.

How To Make Bread

You can use either wheat or corn flour to make bread in the kitchen. / Spiritfarer
You can use either wheat or corn flour to make bread in the kitchen.

Once you have your bags of flour, head into your kitchen and put them inside the oven to start the cooking process (you can put in up to 5 bags of flour at once).

Then when the timer runs out, your bread will be ready.

Note: If you leave the bread in the oven for too long, it will become burnt food and will waste your ingredients.

Here’s a list of the spirits that will like eating bread:

  • Atul
  • Astrid
  • Elena
  • Summer

Alternatively, bread can also be sold to Raccoon Shops for 120 Glims.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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