Journey to the Core Shenanigans Guide (Spiritfarer)

Starting Journey to the Core in Spiritfarer

“Journey to the Core” is a side quest in Spiritfarer that will reward you with a good amount of Glims when you finish it.

Starting the Shenanigan

First make sure that your ship already has the needed upgrade: the Mist Cleaner 1000.

This boat improvement can be found in Albert’s Shipyard (X: 61, Y: 64), and it requires these materials:

  • 8 Silver Ores
  • 22 Silk Fabrics
  • 8 Bottled Ectoplasms
  • 6 Crystal Glass Sheets
  • 3 Spirit Flowers
  • 3,000 Glims

For additional help, check out our full boat improvement guide, which contains a deeper breakdown of where to get each item quickly.

After getting the upgrade, it’s time to visit Overbrook Island (X: 212, Y: 56).

This island is located in the World Map’s top-right section, just on the top of Oxbury.

Keep heading left until you find this spirit in some ruins / Spiritfarer
Keep heading left until you find this spirit in some ruins.

Once you’re on the island, head left past the Overbrook hospital until you find some old ruined buildings. Here you’ll find the short green spirit that will give you the side quest.

“Journey to the Core” Walkthrough

Talk to the spirit and you’ll learn that he’s getting called mean names / Spiritfarer
Talk to the spirit and you’ll learn that he’s getting called mean names.

Talk to the spirit and he will tell you that a lot of the other spirits are calling him names and making him upset.

He’d ask you for some help in stopping them, so head back to the Overbrook Hospital and head up the second floor balcony to find a short teal spirit.

This is the head doctor, and will ask you to give the spirit an apple as a peace offering.

Head up the doctor in the hospital’s second floor balcony and he’ll give you Glims to buy an apple / Spiritfarer
Head up the doctor in the hospital’s second floor balcony and he’ll give you Glims to buy an apple.

However, he has no idea how much apples cost. So he’ll give you 5,000 Glims just to buy one.

Fortunately, an apple seed from the Furogawa Raccoon Shop only costs 990 Glims. This seed can then be planted in the Orchard until it grows into a tree and bears apples.

Apples are grown in the Orchard / Spiritfarer
Apples are grown in the Orchard.

Note: If you already have an apple in your inventory, then you can skip this part of the process.

Once you do have an apple in hand, just head back to the spirit in the ruins and give him the apple.

He’ll decide he’s content with what he has and reject the apple from you. This ends the shenanigan request.

The spirit will reject your apple and say that he’s happy with his life / Spiritfarer
The spirit will reject your apple and say that he’s happy with his life.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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