Sevii Islands (One Island to Three Island): Pokémon FRLG Walkthrough Part 13

In the Ember Spa Hot Spring on One Island (Pokémon FireRed)

Quick Guide

  1. Walk outside of the Cinnabar Island Gym and talk to Bill
  2. Say “yes” to Bill to go to One Island, or say “no” and then go find Bill in the Cinnabar Pokémon Center to go to One Island later
  3. Talk to Bill and Celio in the Pokémon Center on One Island
  4. Sail east of One Island to Kindle Road and get HM06 Rock Smash from the man in the back of Ember Spa
  5. Take the ferry to Two Island, enter the Game Corner, and listen to Lostelle’s dad
  6. Sail to Three Island and walk north through the town and up to the gang of bikers
  7. Defeat the bikers, walk west across Bond Bridge, then continue west until you reach Berry Forest
  8. Make your way to the north-west corner of Berry Forest to rescue Lostelle
  9. Talk to the Game Corner owner (Lostelle’s dad) to give him the Meteorite
  10. Head back to One Island and talk to Bill and Celio, and then Bill will bring you back to Cinnabar Island

One Island Walkthrough

In Part 12 of our walkthrough, we defeated Blaine in the Cinnabar Island Gym.

Now it’s time to leave the Gym and head to the Sevii Islands.

As soon as you walk out of the Gym, Bill (remember him?) will run up and greet you.

Bill greeting us after leaving the Cinnabar Island Gym / Pokemon FRLG
Bill greeting us after leaving the Cinnabar Island Gym

Bill will ask if you feel like coming with him to One Island.

If you say yes then you’ll immediately sail with Bill to One Island.

Tip: You won’t be able to swap your Pokémon out when you arrive on One Island, so make sure you have a Pokémon that knows Surf in your party before you say yes – because we’ll need it.

If you said no to Bill, then he’ll wait for you in the Pokémon Center. And you can just walk up and talk to him to then leave for One Island.

Talking to Bill after initially saying No to him / Pokemon FRLG
Talking to Bill after initially saying No to him

You and Bill will sail to One Island where you’ll meet Celio.

Celio is a computer maniac and he’s trying to link the Sevii Island PCs to Bill’s own PC system.

However, since the Sevii Islands are so remote, the PCs can’t link up.

Trying to use the PC in the Pokémon Center on One Island / Pokemon FRLG
Trying to use the PC in the Pokémon Center on One Island

While Celio and Bill are working on the PC system, Bill asks you to head to Two Island and deliver a Meteorite. Celio will give you the Tri-Pass for the ferry and you can head out.

Task #1: Getting HM06 Rock Smash (Kindle Road)

Before we go to Two Island, there’s one important thing we should grab.

HM06 Rock Smash will let us break those annoying little rocks that appear around caves and such.

The Marsh Badge we got from Sabrina allows us to use Rock Smash outside of battle, but we have to get the HM and teach it to a Pokémon first.

HM06 is found in the Ember Spa on Kindle Road. To reach Kindle Road, head to the east side of Island One and use Surf on the water there.

Note: If you don’t have a Pokémon with Surf, that’s okay, you can just come back after we’ve linked up the Sevii Island PCs.

Surf north east from here on One Island to reach Kindle Road / Pokemon FRLG
Surf north east from here on One Island to reach Kindle Road

Kindle Road is pretty much directly north east of One Island. There’s no other masses of land, so it’s hard to miss!

If you’re unsure, though, there’s a handy sign right at the beginning of the route.

The beginning of Kindle Road on One Island / Pokemon FRLG
The beginning of Kindle Road on One Island

Kindle Road is extremely linear, so just follow the road north until you reach a cave entrance.

Except this isn’t a cave at all – it’s the entrance to the Ember Spa.

The entrance to the Ember Spa on Kindle Road on One Island / Pokemon FRLG
The entrance to the Ember Spa on Kindle Road on One Island

Head inside of the Spa and walk to the very far back.

There’s an elderly man standing in-between two waterfalls. This is actually the man that built the Spa with nothing but his bare hands (and maybe Rock Smash).

Receiving HM06 Rock Smash in the Ember Spa on Kindle Road / Pokemon FRLG
Receiving HM06 Rock Smash in the Ember Spa on Kindle Road

After you talk to him, he’ll hand over HM06 Rock Smash, and you can teach it to one of your Pokémon.

After you teach it to a Pokémon, you can start looking around for rocks to destroy. There’s actually a few right at the beginning of Kindle Road, how convenient!

Just walk up to a rock and press “A” on it if you want to use Rock Smash outside of battle.

Using Rock Smash outside of battle on a few rocks on Kindle Road / Pokemon FRLG
Using Rock Smash outside of battle on a few rocks on Kindle Road

After we get Rock Smash we can move onto Two Island.

However, Kindle Road actually continues onwards a little bit to Mt. Ember. So you can head there if you feel like exploring.

Task #2: Mt. Ember & Moltres (Optional)

Mt. Ember is completely optional, and we don’t need to go there at all to progress in the game, so I’m not going to spend too much time covering it this walkthrough (we’ll have a separate guide for this).

However, the Legendary Bird Moltres is perched on the Mt. Ember Summit. So if you’re interested in Legendary Pokémon then feel free to make a stop!

Moltres at the top of Mt. Ember / Pokemon FRLG
Moltres at the top of Mt. Ember

To get to Moltres, you’ll have to navigate a linear cave full of Geodudes and Machokes, so make sure your Pokémon are healthy and you have plenty of Poké Balls to throw at Moltres.

Task #3: Sailing to Two Island

When you’re done at Kindle Road, we’ll be heading to Two Island via boat.

In case you forgot, the ferry is south of the Pokémon Center in the building with a red roof.

The Ferry building on One Island / Pokemon FRLG
The Ferry building on One Island

Just walk inside and talk to the man in front of the boat.

He’ll ask where you want to go, and then he’ll take you wherever your heart desires (as long as it’s Two Island or Three Island, for now).

Go ahead and select “Two Island” so we can deliver this Meteorite.

Two Island Walkthrough

Task #1: Lost Lostelle

Once you arrive on Two Island, walk east until you reach the Game Corner. The Game Corner is the building with a blue roof.

It’s pretty hard to miss, as it looks very flashy compared to the rest of Two Island.

The Game Corner on Two Island / Pokemon FRLG
The Game Corner on Two Island

When you walk in, the man inside will be freaking out about a lost Lostelle.

He’ll ask you to head to Three Island to find her.

Before you can leave though, a rude biker will skirt through the door, scuff up the floor, and leave to be seen forever more.

Biker riding into the Game Corner on Two Island / Pokemon FRLG
Biker riding into the Game Corner on Two Island

Don’t worry, we’ll see some more bikers here soon.

So go ahead and follow his lead and head out of the Game Corner.

So when you’re ready, our next task is to go back to the ferry and then sail to Three Island this time.

But before you leave, you can also check out the Move Maniac, and also pick up a new move for your starter Pokémon. So we’ll cover those extras real quick before leaving for Three Island.

Task #2: Move Maniac

The Move Maniac can teach your Pokémon any move that they’ve already learned in the past.

This is great if you’ve accidentally forgotten a move but want it back.

Move Maniac’s location is right next to the Game Corner on Two Island.

Outside of the Move Maniac’s House on Two Island / Pokemon FRLG
Outside of the Move Maniac’s House on Two Island

Just walk in and talk to the Move Maniac.

But you will need to give him some Mushrooms before he’ll actually teach your Pokémon anything. You can get these Tiny Mushrooms by catching wild Paras or Parasect in Mt. Moon, or in the Safari Zone.

Task #3: Special Move for your Starter

There’s one more place to stop before we continue. If you walk north on Two Island and follow the left path on Cape Brink, you’ll come across a house by a small lake.

The house on Cape Brink where we can learn a special move for our Starter Pokémon / Pokemon FRLG
The house on Cape Brink where we can learn a special move for our Starter Pokémon

The person inside can teach your starter Pokémon a special move:

  • Frenzy Plant (Bulbasaur)
  • Blast Burn (Charmander)
  • Hydro Cannon (Squirtle)

What the move is will depend on your starter, but they’re all similar to Hyper Beam. So after you use the move in battle, your Pokémon will need a turn to recover.

Granted, these moves aren’t great because of the recovery turn. But they are unique moves and can be fun to use.

Just make sure that your starter Pokémon is the first Pokémon in your party before talking to the NPC if you want to learn the move.

Three Island Walkthrough

Now it’s time to head to Three Island and rescue Lostelle.

Take the ferry off to Three Island whenever you’re ready.

As soon as you arrive, you’ll notice a few bikers harassing a poor lady on the beach, trying to take her money.

Bikers harassing a Three Island resident on the beach / Pokemon FRLG
Bikers harassing a Three Island resident on the beach

We can’t save her yet, so just walk north until you reach town.

Once you’re in town, continue north a bit more and you’ll see a gang of bikers messing with some more residents.

Bikers messing with the Three Island residents / Pokemon FRLG
Bikers messing with the Three Island residents

A small “cutscene” will play showing more rudeness from the bikers. Afterwards, you can walk up to the gang and one of them will challenge you to a battle.

Note: Make sure you’ve stopped by the Pokémon Center before walking up to the gang, because you’ll have to face four of them in a row.

Defeat the bikers to clear out the area.

Then if you talk to the two residents that were being bullied by the bikers, then you’ll receive a Full Restore and learn that Lostelle is on Bond Bridge.

You can reach Bond Bridge by walking to the north side of town and then heading west.

Heading towards Bond Bridge from the town in Three Island / Pokemon FRLG
Heading towards Bond Bridge from the town in Three Island

Bond Bridge is pretty straight forward. But there are a lot of trainers on the Route.

Just continue west until you finally reach Berry Forest.

Outside of Berry Forest on Three Island, where Lostelle can be found / Pokemon FRLG
Outside of Berry Forest on Three Island, where Lostelle can be found

Berry Forest is a bit of a maze, similar to Viridian Forest. But we have to head inside to find Lostelle.

Note: You will need HM01 Cut to get through the Berry Forest so make sure one of your Pokémon knows it.

As soon as you head inside, you want to walk west. You can’t really go any other direction, but still!

Walk west at the beginning of Berry Forest / Pokemon FRLG
Walk west at the beginning of Berry Forest

Once you’ve walked west a bit, follow the path north until you reach a couple of little trees (the kind we can cut down).

Continue north until you reach small, cuttable trees / Pokemon FRLG
Continue north until you reach small, cuttable trees

Cut the trees down so that you can walk east. You can either cut just the right-most tree, or cut both of them down for a shortcut.

Cut down the trees and continue east / Pokemon FRLG
Cut down the trees and continue east

After you cut your way through, head east as far as you can, then take the path north through tall grass.

Head to the north east corner of Berry Forest / Pokemon FRLG
Head to the north east corner of Berry Forest

Walk north as far as you can, then take a left. Make sure you do not accidentally hop down the hill or you’ll have to make your way back around.

Head as far west as possible from the north-east corner / Pokemon FRLG
Head as far west as possible from the north-east corner

Now you’ll come across another cuttable tree.

You don’t need to cut this tree down. Just head south-west until you reach a tiny pond.

Head to the south-west corner (until you reach a small pond) / Pokemon FRLG
Head to the south-west corner (until you reach a small pond)

You can either walk around or use Surf to get across this little pond.

Use Surf to cross the pond or go around the east side of the pond. Head to the south-west corner / Pokemon FRLG
Use Surf to cross the pond or go around the east side of the pond. Head to the south-west corner

Once you’re across the pond, we want to head north up the path in the far west of the forest.

From the south-west corner, continue north as far as possible / Pokemon FRLG
From the south-west corner, continue north as far as possible

Walk up this path until you see a little girl in tall grass. This is Lostelle, and she’s who we’ve been looking for!

Talk to Lostelle in the north-west corner of Berry Forest / Pokemon FRLG
Talk to Lostelle in the north-west corner of Berry Forest

Talk to Lostelle and she’ll tell you that she’s being terrorized by a Pokémon. Then she’ll tell you the Pokémon is coming and a battle will start.

Defeat or capture the wild Hypno to save Lostelle / Pokemon FRLG
Defeat or capture the wild Hypno to save Lostelle

You’ll come face to face with the havoc wreaking Hypno that’s been bullying little Lostelle.

You can defeat or catch this Hypno.

Afterwards, you’ll be teleported back to the Game Corner on Two Island. Lostelle’s dad will thank you for rescuing Lostelle.

Note: remember to talk to her dad again after the initial dialogue, that way you can deliver the Meteorite, which is the whole reason we came here in the first place.

Talk to Lostelle’s dad after rescuing her to give him the Meteorite / Pokemon FRLG
Talk to Lostelle’s dad after rescuing her to give him the Meteorite

After you give him the Meteorite, he’ll hand over a Moon Stone which you can use to evolve a few Pokémon like Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Nidorina, etc.

After all that, you can head to the Pokémon Center to heal up your Pokémon.

While you’re there, you can also try out the PC and discover that it finally works.

The PC booting up after rescuing Lostelle (Celio and Bill fixed the PC system) / Pokemon FRLG
The PC booting up after rescuing Lostelle (Celio and Bill fixed the PC system)

This means that Bill and Celio are probably done working on the Sevii systems and we can head back to One Island.

Getting Back To Bill

After you’ve rescued Lostelle, go ahead and take the ferry back to One Island, and then head inside the Pokémon Net Center.

Returning to the Pokémon Net Center on One Island to talk to Bill / Pokemon FRLG
Returning to the Pokémon Net Center on One Island to talk to Bill

When you go inside, Bill and Celio will just be standing around.

Walk up to them and Bill will immediately greet you.

Talking to Bill after returning to One Island / Pokemon FRLG
Talking to Bill after returning to One Island

Bill and Celio will exchange compliments with each other, and then Bill will sail you back to Cinnabar Island.

Don’t worry though: if you ever want to go back to the Sevii Islands, you can take the ferry in Vermilion City to come back here.

But once you’re back in the mainland of Kanto, we can continue our adventure by flying to Viridian City to defeat the final gym.


114 articles

A jack of all trades when it comes to gaming. I can sit down for hours in a casual playthrough of Pokémon, or I can spend months trying to hit Diamond in League of Legends. I love and appreciate everything about games, and love sharing that passion with my readers.

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