Blueberries in Spiritfarer (Locations + Uses)

Getting x2 blueberries in Spiritfarer
Food Type Fruit
Acquired from
Related Facility Kitchen
Buying Price None
Selling Price 90 Glims (per berry)

Blueberries are a mid- to late-game fruit you can acquire in Spiritarer. These can only be found in bushes on Ambertown Park and Sunspring Square, which requires the Rock Destroyer Boat Improvement to reach.

Where To Get Blueberries

Unlike other fruits and veggies in the game, blueberries can be acquired by simply finding a bush on specific islands and interacting with it. This means that you don’t need to grow or plant this specific fruit.

Blueberry bushes can be found in these two islands:

Ambertown Park (2 Bushes)

Before you can reach this island you might need to visit Albert’s Shipyard (X: 61, Y: 64) to purchase the Rock Destroyer Boat Improvement. Note that unlocking this upgrade requires a number of items, which are all detailed in our full boat improvements guide.

Once you have the upgrade, head southeast-ish on the world map past the rock barrier to reach the island of Ambertown Park, at X: 216, Y: -72.

Bush #1 – Upon your arrival, climb up the ladder and head inside the gates of the park. Then go to the far left to find the first blueberry bush, just beside the dumpster.

The first blueberry bush in Ambertown Park is on the left side of the park / Spiritfarer
The first blueberry bush in Ambertown Park is on the left side of the park.

Bush #2 – As for the next blueberry bush, simply walk to the right of the park until you find another dumpster. The bush is right beside it.

The next bush is on the right side of the park / Spiritfarer
The next bush is on the right side of the park.

Sunspring Square (2 Bushes)

Much like the previous island, Sunspring Square also requires the Rock Destroyer Boat Improvement to reach, as it’s found in the same region. It’s also just beside Ambertown Park on the World Map, at X: 151, Y: -109.

And here are all of the blueberry bushes you can find here:

Bush #1 – Once you’re on the island, head up the ladder and walk to your right, past the houses. You’ll come across another park with a gate, and the first bush is on its left side, right beside the wall of a house.

The first blueberry bush in Sunspring Square is on the left side of the park / Spiritfarer
The first blueberry bush in Sunspring Square is on the left side of the park.

Bush #2 – Walk right to the other end of the park to find the next bush, which is also beside another wall.

The next bush is on the other side of the mini park / Spiritfarer
The next bush is on the other side of the mini park.


Cooking poached fruit with blueberries / Spiritfarer
Cooking poached fruit with blueberries.

Here are all of the recipes that you can cook in the kitchen using blueberries:

Dish Ingredients
Berry Pie
  • 1 Berry (Any Type)
  • 1 Flour (Any Type)
  • 1 Berry (Any Kind)
  • 1 Yoghurt
Poached Fruit 1 Fruit (Any Kind)
Fruit Candy
  • 1 Fruit (Any Kind)
  • 1 Sweetener (Any Kind)

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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