All Ceramic Figurine Locations (Spiritfarer)

Ceramic Figurines
Item Type Collectible
Acquired From
  • Gustav
  • Hummingberg Chest
  • Mount Toroyama Chest
  • Crow’s End Inc. Chest #3
Use Susan’s Museum Collectible
Buying Price 0 Glims
Selling Price 0 Glims

Ceramic figurines are items in Spiritfarer that you need to collect in order to 100% the game. There are four of its kind in total, found in several locations and chests in the game.

Once completed, you can donate these to Susan’s Museum to complete her collection and gain a reward. It’s worth noting that you can’t sell any of the ceramic figurines.

To differentiate each of the figurines, we named them after their description. The figurines’ locations are as follows:

Quaint Figurine

Once Gustav gives you the figurine, give it to Susan in exchange for his wood print / Spiritfarer
Once Gustav gives you the figurine, give it to Susan in exchange for his wood print.

This is the only figurine that you can naturally acquire as long as you follow the game’s storyline.

To get this item, simply talk to the spirit of Gustav in Furogawa. He will tell you that a wooden art piece of his is missing, and will ask you to talk to the local Raccoon Shop. After talking to the Raccoon, you find out that the wooden block is acquired by a certain “Collector.”

Once you tell this to Gustav, he will give you the coordinates to Susan’s Museum. He will also give you the Quaint Figurine, which you will need to exchange with Susan to get Gustav’s wooden block back.

Once Gustav joins your ship, you will then need to find the 3 other remaining figurines to complete Susan’s Collection.

Delicate Figurine

This next figurine is found in a chest in the island of Hummingberg, at X: 39, Y: 139. Follow these steps to get the figurine:

Step 1: Go to the Raccoon Store and buy the Key for Hummingberg for 5,000 Glims.

Buy the key for Hummingberg from the Raccoon Shop / Spiritfarer
Buy the key for Hummingberg from the Raccoon Shop.

Step 2: Then enter the house with the broken ladder beside it to find the chest and get the figurine.

The chest is just inside the house beside the Raccoon Shop / Spiritfarer
The chest is just inside the house beside the Raccoon Shop.

Grand Figurine

This figurine is found in Mount Toroyama, at X: -99, Y: 34. Luckily, this island doesn’t require any prior ship upgrades to reach. Follow these steps to find the figurine:

Step 1: From the entrance of the mines, head left until you find a wall and an upper level fork going right.

Head left starting from the entrance / Spiritfarer
Head left starting from the entrance.

Step 2: Jump up the ledge and continue right until you come across a ladder.

Jump to the right once you hit a wall / Spiritfarer
Jump to the right once you hit a wall.

Step 3: Go up the ladder and jump up two platforms until you reach the top floor. Then, walk slightly left, aligning yourself with the lantern on the wall.

Double jump and go left to enter the hidden passage / Spiritfarer
Double jump and go left to enter the hidden passage.

Step 4: From here, double jump and move to the left to find a hidden passage.

Keep heading left inside / Spiritfarer
Keep heading left inside.

Step 5: Just keep walking left to go up a hidden slope and eventually come across a chest at the top. The figurine is inside this chest.

The chest is at the end of the passage / Spiritfarer
The chest is at the end of the passage.

Sublime Figurine

This final figurine can be found in Crow’s Nest Inc., at X: -126, Y: -51. Note that reaching the island requires the Mist Cleaner 1000 Boat Improvement.

Once you’re on the island, simply follow these steps to find the figurine:

Step 1: Head left and jump towards the next landing above your starting position. Then, make your way up the smaller platforms.

Go left and make your way up the smaller platforms / Spiritfarer
Go left and make your way up the smaller platforms.

Step 2: Once you find a tent, bounce on its roof to reach the landing up top.

Bounce up on the tent to reach the landing on the top / Spiritfarer
Bounce up on the tent to reach the landing on the top.

Step 3: Next, ride the zipline going down to find a blue spirit standing beside a geyser.

From here, jump to the right and slowly glide down left towards a small platform. This is easier at night since you’ll be able to see the light from the lamps, letting you know where to land.

Land on the small platform and dash to your left / Spiritfarer
Land on the small platform and dash to your left.

Step 4: From this platform, dash left and double jump towards the next small platform. This one also has a lamp.

Keep dashing left to reach the next platform / Spiritfarer
Keep dashing left to reach the next platform.

Step 5: Next, dash left again before gliding so you can reach the next small platform.

Dash left and glide once more towards the last platform / Spiritfarer
Dash left and glide once more towards the last platform.

Step 6: Finally, dash left for the last time until you find the final platform with the treasure chest. The figurine is inside this chest.

The last platform holds the hidden treasure chest of Crow’s End Inc / Spiritfarer
The last platform holds the hidden treasure chest of Crow’s End Inc.

Once you find all of the figurines, simply head to Susan’s Museum and donate them to her collection. She will then give you Stella’s blackberry outfit as a reward.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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