Amethyst – Spiritfarer

Amethyst gem in Spiritfarer
Material Type Gemstone
Acquired from
  • Selling
  • “Elena’s Stipulation” Errand
  • “The Diffracted Cabinet” Request
Buying Price Unknown
Selling Price 2,700 Glims

Amethyst falls under the gemstone category in Spiritfarer. It’s primarily acquired via the “Thyst but a Flesh Wound” errand from Francis, although it can also be collected via Limestone mining once you have the improved tools ability.

There’s also a hidden chest in Hoseki Quarry that contains 1 Amethyst.

Where To Acquire Amethyst

Similar to other gemstones in the game, there are a few ways to acquire amethyst in the game, which we’ll cover below.

Hoseki Quarry Chest

First, make your way over to Hoseki Quarry at X: -138, Y: 28. This island is found in the Furogawa Region, and therefore doesn’t require any prior ship improvements to reach. Once you have arrived, simply follow these steps to find the amethyst:

Step 1: From the quarry’s entrance, climb up the two ladders until you reach the landing up top.

From the entrance, go up the ladder / Spiritfarer
From the entrance, go up the ladder.

Step 2: Next, walk left until you reach a fork in the road, with one road going up and one going down. Take the road going down before continuing to your left.

Head back down the first fork and head left / Spiritfarer
Head back down the first fork and head left.

Step 3: Keep walking left until you pass by a ladder.

Head past the ladder / Spiritfarer
Head past the ladder.

Step 4: Once you encounter a wall, keep walking to find a hidden passage.

Keep walking past the wall to find a hidden passage / Spiritfarer
Keep walking past the wall to find a hidden passage.

Step 5: The next chest is at the end of this passage.

The chest is at the end of the passage / Spiritfarer
The chest is at the end of the passage.

Inside the box, you’ll find 2 amethysts and 1 miniature diorama.

“Thyst But A Flesh Wound” Errand

The “Thyst But a Flesh Wound” errand from Francis’ shop / Spiritfarer
The “Thyst But a Flesh Wound” errand from Francis’ shop.

If you visit Francis’ Wandering Shop and head to the errands section of his menu then there is an errand that rewards you with amethyst.

You’re looking for the “Thyst But a Flesh Wound” errand, which requires you to collect these materials:

Once you complete this errand, you’ll be rewarded with 1 amethyst and a whopping 2,500 Glims.

Limestone Mining

Mining for limestone with the improved tools ability gives you a chance to also get amethyst / Spiritfarer
Mining for limestone with the improved tools ability gives you a chance to also get amethyst.

For the final method, you will need to acquire the Improved Tools Ability, which can only be found at the Hidden Shrine at X: 220, Y: 167.

After getting this ability, you can start mining for Limestone in these locations:

  • Mosstein Cove
  • Iwashima Countryside
  • Flotsam Shores
  • Obscure Canopy

Mining for limestone with the improved tools ability gives you a high chance of also yielding amethyst per node.

Amethyst Usage

After acquiring this gemstone, here are all of the uses that amethyst has in-game:

Errand/Quest Materials Needed Result/Reward
“Elena’s Stipulation”
  • 7 Amethysts
  • 7 Hematites
  • 7 Opals
  • 7 Citrines
  • 7 Diamonds
50,000 Glims
“The Diffracted Cabinet”
  • Citrine
  • Diamond
  • Amethyst
  • Hematite
  • Opal

(Choose 3 gems from these)

Completes the request and starts the next one in Summer’s storyline.

Aside from the quests/errands listed above, you can also sell amethysts at any Raccoon Shop for 2,700 Glims.

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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