Sunflower Seeds in Spiritfarer (Oil + Uses)

Getting x4 sunflower seeds
Sunflower Seed
Food Type Ingredient
Seeds Bought From Nordweiler Raccoon Shop
Related Facility
  • 4 Sunflower Seeds (per planted seed)
  • Sunflower Oil (from sunflower seed)
Buying Price 140 Glims
Selling Price
  • 70 Glims (per seed)
  • 200 Glims (per sunflower oil)

Sunflower Seeds are part of Spiritfarer’s ingredient category. You can first buy them as plantable seeds from the Nordweiler Raccoon Shop. These seeds are then grown into Sunflowers in the field, which can then give you usable sunflower seeds. These can be being taken into the crusher to make sunflower oil.

How To Get Sunflower Seeds

The dock of Nordweiler, right next to the Raccoon shop / Spiritfarer
The dock of Nordweiler, right next to the Raccoon shop.

You’ll need the Icebreaker Boat Improvement before you can get to Nordweiler. This upgrade requires a number of items, and you can consult our full boat improvements guide for a walkthrough on where to quickly get each one.

Once you have the upgrade, head north on the World Map and break through the ice barrier to reach the island of Nordweiler, at X: -3, Y: 185.

This island’s Raccoon Shop is right by the docks, and will sell you sunflower seeds for 70 glims apiece.

How To Grow Sunflowers

Playing the “Plantasia Fantastica” music minigame to grow sunflowers / Spiritfarer
Playing the “Plantasia Fantastica” music minigame to grow sunflowers.

After getting the seeds, plant them on the field in your ship. Then simply water until the plants are ready to be harvested. Alternatively, you also have the option of playing the “Plantasia Fantastica” music minigame to make your plants grow faster and cut down on waiting time.

Each sunflower seed plant you harvest will give you 4 sunflower seeds, and these can be sold to Raccoon Shops for 70 glims each.

How To Make Sunflower Oil

Crushing sunflower seeds to make sunflower oil / Spiritfarer
Crushing sunflower seeds to make sunflower oil.

Once you have sunflower seeds, you can take them into the crusher to make sunflower oil. Inside the building you can input a total of up to 50 sunflower seeds, and the minigame consists of pressing the same button repeatedly to make sunflower oil.

Each seed inputs 1 sunflower oil, which is a type of fat that you can either use for cooking or sell to Raccoon Shops for 200 glims each.


Making corn bread with sunflower oil / Spiritfarer
Making corn bread with sunflower oil.

Here are all of the recipes you can cook using sunflower oil as fat in the kitchen:

Dish Ingredients
Fried Surf
  • 1 Shellfish (Any Type)
  • 1 Fat (Any Type)
Corn Bread
  • 1 Corn Flour
  • 1 Fat (Any Type)
Fish Sticks
  • 1 Fish (Any Kind)
  • 1 Fat (Any Kind)
Vegetable Stir Fry
  • 1 Root Veggie (Any Kind)
  • 1 Fat (Any Kind)
Green Salad
  • 1 Leaf Veggie (Any Kind)
  • 1 Fat (Any Kind)
Fried Rice
  • 1 Rice
  • 1 Fat (Any Kind)
Fried Crawfish
  • 1 Crustacean (Any Kind)
  • 1 Fat (Any Kind)
  • 1 Wheat Flour
  • 1 Fat (Any Type)
French Fries
  • 1 Potato
  • 1 Fat (Any Type)
Fried Mushrooms
  • 1 Mushroom
  • 1 Fat (Any Kind)
Fried Chicken
  • 1 Chicken
  • 1 Fat (Any Type)
  • 1 Egg
  • 1 Fat (Any Type)
  • 1 Fat (Any Type)
  • 1 Pork
Beef Fondue
  • 1 Beef
  • 1 Fat (Any Type)

February Cortes

350 articles

Feb has been trying to speedrun Super Mario 64 since he was 10 years old, but doesn't have the hand-eye coordination for it. When not attempting that, he spends his free time playing Metroidvanias, platformers, and Resident Evil 4 on all available consoles. He also likes building Gunpla and writing music, and thinks bicycles are man's greatest invention.

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