PoPoultry Shop Guide (SoS: FoMT)

Standing inside of PoPoultry house
Shop Hours 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Days Open Monday to Saturday (closed on holidays)
NPCs Lillia, Rick, Popuri
Items Coop Animals, Feed, Breeding Kits

PoPoultry is a quaint ranch in Mineral Town owned by Lillia and her children, Rick and Popuri.

In this shop you can buy live chickens, angora rabbits, and the items you need to take care of them on your farm.

The only way to get your first chicken in Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town is to buy one from Lillia’s shop, and they’re one of the cheapest animals to get you started on your journey.

PoPoultry Location

Map of Mineral Town showing directions to PoPoultry / SoS: FoMT
Map of Mineral Town showing directions to PoPoultry.

PoPoultry will be located right next to your farm. Once you exit from the road near your house, turn right and head into the first building you see.

If you’re coming from town, you can walk past Yodel Ranch and the Blacksmith’s Forge until you see a red roof.

Outside you might see chickens running around, confirming that it’s PoPoultry.

The farmer stands outside of PoPoultry / SoS: FoMT
The farmer stands outside of PoPoultry.

Lillia will greet you once you enter the building. To open PoPoultry’s shop menu, interact with her over the counter.

Full Shop Inventory

PoPoultry Inventory
Animal Cost
Chicken (White or Brown) 1,500 G
Angora Rabbit 3,000 G
Chicken and Rabbit Feed 10 G
Breeding Kit 2,000 G

PoPoultry will have a limited inventory compared to other shops in Mineral Town.

Lillia only sells chicken and rabbit-related products, so you won’t find much else here.

Screen capture of the PoPoultry shop inventory menu / SoS: FoMT
Screen capture of the PoPoultry shop inventory menu.

Some items you need to take care of Angora Rabbits (like the Brush and Clippers) will be available at Saibara’s forge instead. They’re not required before you can buy and raise bunnies, but these tools let you cultivate friendships and harvest their fur.


The farmer purchases an Angora Rabbit from PoPoultry / SoS: FoMT
The farmer purchases an Angora Rabbit from PoPoultry.

There’s no difference between white and brown chickens. Each will lay one egg every day as long as it’s been fed with Chicken and Rabbit Feed the day before.

After you buy your first chicken or rabbit, there’s not much else to do besides make sure that they’re fed daily.

Tip: If you want to upgrade to the Big Coop, you’ll need to commission a building from Gotts. This will cost you 350 Lumber, 200 Material Stone, and 5,000 G. After 3 days of construction, you can have up to 8 animals living in the coop!

Lillia will always allow you to buy more animals as long as you have enough space inside the coop.

The farmer uses a Breeding Kit on an Angora Rabbit / SoS: FoMT
The farmer uses a Breeding Kit on an Angora Rabbit.

Kal S.

344 articles

Kal S. is a part-time med student and full-time nerd. Connect with them over all things fantasy, science fiction, and art!

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